Honda NC 700X: Urban Hunter

Honda NC 700X born to the “urban jungle” with a load area clever and modular

Honda NC700X Urban Hunter OJ Basilio

Honda NC700X Urban Hunter – Starting from Honda NC700X, the young and talented designer Marcello Basilio realizes the Urban Hunter, especially designed for urban bikers.

One of the key element of the whole project is the complete redesign of the load compartment, positioned where normally the tank is. This space became a modular section to lodge anything, thanks to the magic of elastic straps.

Honda NC700X Urban Hunter OJ Basilio Sketch

The bike has aggressive and original lines, ooriginal lines, further customized by the use of the acqua color combine with matt white. There are more interesting forms to define the side panels and the tail.
The smatphone as well as the instrumentation is integrated in the upper area of the bike, for an easier and more immediate reading. The design and details of the bike, are inspired by OJ products, metropolitan (urban) and cutting edge.

Honda NC700X Urban Hunter OJ Basilio Cinghie Elastiche

The standard exhaust is replaced by an Arrow one.
Considerable mechanical work produced by OnlyBike Milan.

Paolo Morandi

Posted by Paolo Morandi

Da sempre amante di motori e web. Le quattro ruote le preferisco classiche piccole, veloci e possibilmente inglesi. Le due basta che abbiano carattere da vendere!